Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Bowl

Ahhhh....the Bowl

What could be a more fitting day to talk about a bowl then Super Bowl Sunday. However that isn't why I bring up the word "bowl." You see, this weekend our family has had to get aquainted with a different type of bowl. Other wise known as ... "the throw-up bowl." This is the bowl that prevents you from sitting by the ...

....all day long.

The ideal bowl will be large and plastic if possible so you aren't shocked by the cold glass on your face as you lay in misery.

The bowl should also have a large volume to prevent spills and be easy to wash. This wonderful invention has saved many linens, carpets, and even Mom herself from the indignities of being covered, well, you know.

My poor son Jacob is wondering why I would be so weird as to write about this topic. I really think that everybody can relate to the miseries of the stomach flu. All kids accounted for and hopefully safely over the stomache flu as of this morning. Now hopefully it won't be Mom and Dad's turn with "The Bowl!"

Monday, February 1, 2010

Jacob...almost 10

What can I say about Jacob? A millenium baby. Born 2/8/2000. Jacob is funny and helpful, inquisitive, silly, and always wants to be in the limelite. He is a collecter of coins and strange facts. His imagination knows no bounds. Greggarious like a scrub jay....only his cap is red not blue. :)

J aunty
A cheiver
C urious
O bsessed with Hot Wings
B asketball player