To say our household has been under a lot of stress would be an understatement. Its been over a year since Joshua died. The world has been a blur full of lack of motivation to do much of anything.

Stress can be helpful as a motivator but as you will notice on this highly scientific looking chart....too much stress decreases our performance significantly. It also has a tendency to cause weight gain or loss. In my case...gain. :(
So I pass my days away and can't believe its been over a year since Joshua died. Here comes the horror. My church put up a full lenth mirror in the entrance. How horrible can that be? To see your whole body with all its fat attached. Perhaps this has been the shock that will jar me back into reality.

My pants are tight and my tummy is bulging. So I finally did the horrible deed. I got on a scale.

I have gained over 30 pounds since Joshua died!
This has got to stop.
Curves....here I come.
isn't it amazing how fast those pounds can creep up on you. i hear you pain. have you done curves before? i need to do something about my extra pounds, too. let us know how it goes.
Sounds like the same thing that has happened to me! Truly I've put on 30 lbs too! (this happened gradually after Bernard died... I just didn't realize it was happening and didn't stop it in time.) Now I'm paying the piper... trying to diet and exercise. I had to go to the Lane Bryant store for MYSELF! First time in my life I've ever shopped there :(
I'm on day 5 of the diet4idiots... trying to get this awful fat off of me. We walked around the reservoir today and I almost died of being out of breath.
Thanks for the fruit btw :D I saw a lady on TV yesterday who lost 200 lbs because she wanted to ride in a hot air balloon but she couldn't fit into the basket. This was her wake up call, and wow, she did it! If she did it, so can we. Let's really do it!
Good luck with the weight loss, I seem to be on a constant diet (well ok, on and off hehe) but stress and hard times always make the lbs pile on in a big way, everytime my lil man is sick or in hospital, I seem to eat to compensate for the stress and come home resembling a whale. So I know how you feel, good luck with it all Xxx
We are all here to support you (and I mean REALLY xo)! I have heard good things about curves, so yes give it a go! :)
In our home NO scales allowed....
Diana, I just started Curves last week so I will see how it goes. If I keep up my end it looks very promising.
Terry, I hope you have a great time with Dale and Richard. Do your free diet days fall on Thanksgiving? Give Kelly our love...So sad about her and TJ's job.
Posh Totty, our children do seem to effect our emotion...when they are not well...neither are we as moms. I am sending special prayers your way for strength and endurance for you and you little man. :)
The Muse, no we do not have scales in our home. That is why I was able to go so long in oblivian. We also don't have any full lenth mirrors. :)
I don't know if we're at the point I can give weight loss advice but here goes: I started seeing the "fat farm" (my words) doctor. It's in Oklahoma and I don't know if it's available anywhere else but worth looking into. It's called the "steelman clinic" and I've personally lost 21 pounds in 6 weeks doing his diet. Look it up and see what you think. I promise, I'm not being paid for advertising, it's just working for me. It's basically like re-programming your brain. It's worked for many of my friends and they haven't gained back the weight. It's worth looking into and maybe they can mail the supplies. Just a thought...
Hope you don't mind, I linked you...if you do I 'll remove it...
Amanda, no problem with the linking. :) I will look the "fat farm" up.
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