My beautiful children Micah, Jacob and Lynn. :) December 2010.
I can not help but smile when I look at this picture. I love each one so much.

Wow, its been awhile since I posted. We are in that strange week between Christmas and New Years Day when everyone is feeling the let down from Christmas being over but you can't take down the tree until after New Years. :) So we sit around eating and making New Years resolutions. What do I want for this coming year? Besides the usual....lose weight, health, peace, joy, etc....what do I want for 2011?
I want to walk each day along side my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ this year in obedience to what ever He would ask of me. I want the same for my children. Nothing could be more wonderful then to grow even closer in my relationship with my Lord.
I pray that God would heal my husband from the chronic pain that he suffers. I pray that God would surround Jeff this year with peace and healing.
...with a new joy and love for life
with a renewed relationship with our Lord
For my children, I pray that each will grow in their relationship with Jesus this year. That they would have that tiny kernal of faith grow within their hearts and guide them each day. I pray they will become the young men and woman that God has created them to be. That they will live for His glory and honor and they will know the joy and hope that come from serving the King of Kings.
I pray for my step sons....Erik and Westley....that God would work His will in their lives. Sorry boys, but I am praying that God will work His way into your hearts and change you into the perfect and amazing young men that He wants you to be. :) God knows what each needs...May He fullful the needs of your hearts. God's blessings and love upon you.
I also pray for extended family and friends and co-workers. And for those who have lost someone they love recently. God be with each them.
I pray for Kathy Schoch...Lord walk along side her as she struggles with chemo and all the things that go along with it. Be her comfort and her strength. Be with Dave, Julee and children as they worry about her. Give them the grace and comfort to know you are with her and will not forsake her.
And I ask that God will touch all who read this post of prayers for the new year. I pray that you will be surrounded by God's presence and 2011 will truly be a new year for you...A new year walking forward in hope and faith in our Lord and Savior. Blessings upon you.