Friday, June 20, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Out Rigger Island
Our VBS this year had a Hawiian theme. Do you think Jacob got into the theme this year? Lynnie and Micah are in the 3D glasses they got during the week.


tsduff said...

I LOVE YOUR picture Sal - nice color, WAY too many necklaces... ha ha ha - and I love those Wyoming cloudies in the sky. lovely fun, happy, all of the above. Nice shy smile from Mr. Micha - (hard to recognize behind those weird shades...)

Those Hawaiian kiddos with all the lei's are kinda scary... HA HA HA HA HA NOT!!!

Lissa Lane said...

Wonderful pics!! I'm sorry joshua isn't here to enjoy VBS with you

Kelly said...

Has it really been that long since I checked in? I thought I just looked in here and there was nothing new, but it must have been Friday before you posted. Sigh! Anyways, I love the pictures (AS ALWAYS!!!) They are all keepers!!!! And of course the grass skirt reminds me of when we all used to dress up in the grass skirts and try to do the Hula! Ha ha! What a sight that would be now!!!! LOL snort guffaw!!! Let's not go there. Love you all bunches and not a day goes by that I'm not thinking of you and praying for you. :D