Little hamster soft and sweet
very fuzzy and loves too eat
squeaking running wheel at night
after we turn off the light
You were Joshua's before you were mine
on the finest hamster food you did dine
Hammy was your given name
and now nothing will be the same
To find you dying and struggling to breathe
was a fact we just couldn't conceive
We held you close and said our goodbyes
wishing you didn't have to die
Good bye little hamster, good bye sweet pet
In your grave at Joshua's cross now do you set
May your little spirit soar right up above
And find our big brother Josh and give him our love
I am visiting through the black box. I was so sad to read about your losses. Such a young boy and his pet. Please know I will not soon forget the story of Joshua. My prayers were sent your way. Peace.
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your son I can not even begin to imagaine how you feel.
I am also sorry to hear of the loss of your hamster, my sons hamster died at the beginning of this year.
I found your blog by the black box and Im pleased I did
Coloradolady: Thank you for stopping by. I loved the horned toads on you blog. :)
Ladybanana: Such an interesting name. I do love your kitty. She is darling. Thank you for you kind comments.
Poshtotty: Thank you for stopping by and commenting. So sorry to hear of your son's hamster loss as well. It is sad when our children lose someone or something they love. It is hard to know how to help them cope with loss and death of even a little pet hamster.
I arrived here through the Black Box. I am so sorry for your loss.....Your son sounded like a very special youg man.
So sorry about Hammy. Hamsters are such cute little pets. I had one when I was around the age of 10. His name was Patrick and he lived for five years, which is a long life for a hamster.
Blessings and Beautiful Days to you and your family.........
Deserthen: I believe each child is a special and wonderful creation. I am lucky to have had him for the almost 11 years I got to be his Mom.
5 years is a long time for a hamster. :)
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