Tuesday, August 28, 2007

OK OK I know its not Christmas but...

I love this picture from last Christmas. :)
Hi everyone. There isn't too much to update at the moment but I did get my pins out today!!! Yeahhhh! Was is Julee with me when they told me it was just like getting stitches out??? Liars!!! Ouch!! But now I am glad they are out. I will have a splint on for the next two weeks but can take it off to shower. I am still waiting to hear about the Carenet job. They said they would let me know by the end of this month. That is about it for now. The days are still hard and sad. I miss my boy every day. Life goes on just like normal for everyone but things are not normal for us. Our family has been changed forever and can never be the same again.


Kelly said...

Hi Sal,

I love that picture too!!!! It doesn't matter what time of year....everyone looks so happy. :)
Hooray that you got your pins out today!!!!! :) What a wonderful thing after having them in all this time! Be careful not to reinjure your hand though. I'm still praying about the Carenet job. God knows if it's the right one or not. And yes, sadly, your family and life has definitely changed and it will never be the same. We haven't forgotten and never will. We will still be missing Joshua years from now although you especially will feel it more deeply than any of us. There is no love (other than God's I imagine) that is like the love of a mother for the child she has birthed and nurtured. Jeff, there is also no love like the love of a father for his son, but it is also different than a mother's love because God created us differently with different roles. Thinking of all of you and sending my love and encouragement over the miles, Love, Kelly :^D

tsduff said...

SO happy to hear you got the pins out... *whew*!! Sorry that it hurt :( Keeping my fingers crossed about the job - I know it sounds better than the current place.

I love your Christmas picture, with smiling happy faces. Hope you haven't run out of kleenex yet. I went through so many boxes - had tissues in ever pants pocket and ever sweater pocket - I still find them occasionally even now. I know that when I look around and see people living their daily lives, I understand now that some are hurting. Like you. (((hugs)))