Saturday, September 15, 2007

What a smile!

Here you are Joshua, wearing your Safe Kids shirt and smiling a toothless grin. I wish you had stayed safe at the spillway. I miss your enthusiasm for life and excitement for all the things you wanted to do. We had a family night and watched the movie "Cats and Dogs" last night. You loved family nights. You would have brought all your pillows and blankets down and snuggled up. It is so hard for us to understand how wonderful Heaven is. How you don't need to be here with us. I think, what could be better then to be here together as a family and yet we are assured that "to live is Christ and to die is gain. " You have gained a perfected sanctified body with the Lord in Eternity. You are living out what we can not even begin to imagine. I can't wait to join you. :)


tsduff said...

Mom, Dad, Bernard, myself, and Julee and Daves kids saw Cats and Dogs in Westlake. Timmy got hungry in the middle of the movie, and Mom got grumpy... but all together it was a great memory. I love how you describe your family nights. I can picture Josh snuggled up with all the rest of you crammed on the couch together :)

Kelly said...

Sally, I just now got to see your blog posts from last Saturday as it's been a busy week here so far. My heart is just broken along with yours as you miss your dear boy. I can't even imagine parting with any of mine, and I admire you so much for how you are managing together with your family to carry on without such a vital part of your family. We love family nights too and the weather is beginning to get just right for them. Now if we could just slow down enough to enjoy them. I must make time or I might miss out! You have good thoughts about Josh being with the LORD. What a comfort in your lonely hours. :D