Someone from one of my bereaved parent groups took this photo. It brought that person a lot of comfort after losing their child. Miracles and signs are still present even today.
We lost our beloved 10 year old on July 20,2007. This site is dedicated in loving memory to Joshua Leigh Heyer. May your spirit find pure joy in eternity with our Lord.
What an awesome photo in the clouds!!!! And yes, what a comfort that would be to see that when you are going through the hardest trial of your life! Sally, I also read the wish list below and one thing we want you to know is that we LOVE TO HEAR from you about Joshua and about what you're feeling (happy, sad, mad, etc). We never grow tired of it and don't expect you to grow out of it ever! We are here for you to share whatever's on your mind and I always look forward to checking your blog for new posts. I appreciated seeing some of the wishes too. They will help to keep us on track! Love you guys! :D
That gave me chills!
What an awesome picture. God is holding your beautiful son until you can again...
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